About us

Engineers matter. They invent, design, and build technology that makes the world better. They’re crucial not just to the future of Dyson, but to the world. There’s already an annual shortfall of 59,000 engineers (EngineeringUK, 2018), and demand is rising. A traditional approach to education isn’t going to be enough.
The engineers we are educating today will work in roles that don’t yet exist, solving problems we can’t currently conceptualise. We don’t just need more engineers – we need engineers capable of thriving in a rapidly changing world, with both academic calibre and technical know-how.
The Dyson Institute was set up as a direct response to this urgent need, pioneering a new approach to higher education that develops the engineering leaders of the future through a combination of high-quality, innovative academic programmes with work on live engineering projects.
annual shortfall of engineers
I believe a new education model is important if we are to create the generation of problem solvers that we so badly need. Korea, Singapore, and other ambitious countries around the globe understand and celebrate the immense wealth-creating ability of engineers. Conversely, Britain’s economy has long suffered from an acute skills shortage. We can’t stand on the side lines watching while the world engages in a knowledge and technology race.
A pioneering model of industrial integration
Setting up an independent higher education provider which is fully integrated with a global technology company is a significant innovation – the first educational model of its kind. We are paving the way for academic-industrial collaborations which transcend traditional notions of academic and vocational pathways, enabling meaningful student choice and supporting employers to play a much more fundamental role in talent development.
This ground breaking approach is testament to Dyson’s pioneering spirit and its certainty that learning drives progress.