Dyson Institute Privacy Notice
Current students
At the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology (Dyson Institute), we are committed to ensuring that your personal data is protected and never misused.
This notice explains how we take responsibility for the personal data we collect about you as a student.
Our primary reasons for collecting your personal data are to enable and facilitate your study with the Dyson Institute and to comply with our own legal obligations. This notice explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the controls you have over your personal data and the procedures that we have in place to protect your personal data.
The degree awarding body for all students who enrolled on their programme of study before 2021 is the University of Warwick. The degree awarding body for all students who enrol on their programme of study for the first time from 2021 will be The Dyson Institute.
1.0 Definitions
1.1 Dyson Institute
Dyson Technical Training Ltd. (T/A Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology)
1.2 Dyson Group
Dyson Holdings Pte. Ltd. and all its direct and indirect subsidiaries worldwide.
1.3 Dyson Institute Students
Undergraduate Engineers in their capacity as registered students at the Dyson Institute or the University of Warwick via The Dyson Institute.
1.4 Employee
Undergraduate Engineers in their capacity as employees of Dyson Technology Ltd.
1.5 Personal Data
Personal data is defined slightly differently across the world. To respect your privacy and ensure appropriate protection of your personal data, we define it as any information that could be used to identify you or another individual.
2.0 Why is this notice required?
2.1 The purpose of this notice is to explain what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the controls you have over your personal data and the procedures that we have in place to protect your personal data.
3.0 Who does this notice apply to?
3.1 This notice applies to all Dyson Institute students.
3.2 This notice does not form part of any contract or otherwise have any contractual effect. Dyson reserves the right to change or withdraw this notice at any time.
3.3 Information relating to how the University of Warwick processes your personal data can be found in their Student Privacy Notice.
3.4 The Global Employee Privacy Notice provides further information about how your personal data will be processed as an employee.
3.5 If you choose to purchase any Dyson products or services, you will become an owner and your personal data will be handled in accordance with our Owner Privacy Notice.
4.0 What personal data do we collect?
4.1 We collect personal data directly from you, through the application and registration process at the Dyson Institute.
4.2 We may also collect information about you from third parties, including colleges, schools and higher education institutions, government departments and agencies and/or information in the public domain.
4.3 We will also collect and generate additional information about you throughout the period of your study with us.
4.4 We may collect and handle the following types of personal data about you:
Category |
Examples |
Your personal details |
Academic information |
Your family / next of kin details |
Financial information |
Other |
5.0 How do we use your personal data?
5.1 The Dyson Institute will use your personal data to:
- deliver and administer your education, record the details of your studies and determine/confirm your academic achievements;
- provide support for any extra funding;
- conduct research related administration to support our equality responsibilities, quality assurance and planning processes;
- to meet regulatory requirements;
- support the provision of facilities and services (e.g. access to IT facilities, libraries, accommodation); and
- reviewing complaints and/or concerns relating to student conduct
5.2 Data protection and privacy laws in some countries require us to have what’s called a “legal basis” or “lawful ground” for handling personal data. Broadly, that means that we have to have a legal justification for handling your personal data.
5.3 Our “legal bases” for handling your personal data for the purposes set out in this privacy notice are as follows:
- necessary for the performance of our obligations under our contract with you (e.g. to manage your student experience and welfare while you study)
- necessary for complying with our legal obligations (e.g. equal opportunities monitoring)
- necessary for the performance of tasks we carry out in the public interest (e.g. research)
- necessary for the pursuant of the legitimate interests of The Dyson Institute or an external organisation (e.g. to enable your access to external services)
5.4 Where we collect and handle sensitive personal data (e.g. racial or ethnic origin, criminal records information), then we will only handle that information:
- where the law permits us to do so, to comply with our legal obligations or to exercise specific legal obligations; or
- where you have given us your consent
6.0 Who do we share your data with and where is it used?
6.1 We never sell your personal data to anyone and only share it as outlined in this privacy notice or when you ask us to.
6.2 Sharing within the Dyson Group
6.2.1 Most processes, procedures and systems are shared across the Dyson Group, which means that we need to share your personal data between us when using it in the ways described above (in the section titled “How do we use your personal data?”). For example, we share IT systems and support across the group and access to your data is limited to those employees who need to know it to carry out their role.
6.3 Sharing with third parties
6.3.1 We will share your personal data with third parties that help us perform the activities described above or where we are required to do so, for example:
- with awarding bodies, such as the University of Warwick (UoW) if your couse started before 2021, to deliver your programme of study;
- End Point Assessment Organisations, to enable the award of your apprenticeship qualification;
- government agencies, where we are required to do so, such as:
- Education and Skills Funding Agency
- Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
- Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) – further information about how HESA uses your personal data is provided in HESA’s student collection notice.
- Office for Students
- third party suppliers and support services such as software providers, to enable us to deliver your programme of study;
- health services, where we have your permission to do so;
- legal services, where we are required to do so; and
- law enforcement bodies, courts and other governmental authorities, where we are required to do so.
6.3.2 Some of these third parties are responsible for their use of your personal data and will use it for the purposes set out in their privacy notice. You should read these notices to understand how they will use your personal data. Where relevant links are provided above.
6.4 Data Transfers
6.4.1 We will host and store your information in the UK, the European Economic Area (EEA) and, where necessary, elsewhere.
6.4.2 We will make sure that any transfers of your personal data from one country to another comply with those data protection and privacy laws which apply to us.
6.4.3 Further information about the measures employed by the Dyson Group can be found in the Global Employee Privacy Notice.
7.0 How long do we keep your personal data?
7.1 We only keep your personal data for as long as we need to, to be able to use it for the reasons given in this privacy notice, and for as long as we are required to keep it by law.
7.2 The Dyson Institute retains your personal data as defined by the Information Retention and Disposal Schedule.
7.3 For more information contact datagovernance@dyson.com.
8.0 Your controls and choices
8.1 Where possible, we give you control over the personal data we collect about you.
8.2 For example, if we have asked for your consent to collect and handle certain types of personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time, by contacting the Dyson Institute at contact@dysoninstitute.ac.uk.
8.3 You have the right to ask us to:
- Provide a copy of the personal data that we hold about you;
- Update and amend personal data that we hold about you;
- Stop using your personal data for certain purposes;
- Limit or restrict our use of your personal data;
- Remove or delete personal data about you; or
- Provide your personal data to a third party provider of services.
8.4 Please note that these rights do not always apply and there are certain exceptions to them.
8.5 If the law in your country allows us to impose a fee for giving you access to your personal data, or to exercise any of your other rights in relation to your personal data, we will let you know.
8.6 If you would like to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal data or if you have any questions on them, please contact the Dyson Institute at contact@dysoninstitute.ac.uk.
9.0 How do we protect your personal data
9.1 We are committed to protecting your personal data. We use appropriate technical and organisational measures, to protect your personal data and privacy, and review those regularly. We protect your personal data using a combination of physical and IT security controls, including access controls that restrict and manage the way in which your personal data and data is processed, managed and handled. We also ensure that the Dyson Institute, and Dyson Group, personnel are adequately trained in protecting your personal data. Our procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity before we share your personal data with you.
9.2 Where users have a password enabling access to the Dyson Institute systems, portals or accounts, each user is responsible for keeping this password confidential. As per the Dyson Group password policy, it is strongly advised that passwords are not shared or distributed. In the unlikely event that we suffer a security breach which compromises our protection of your personal data and we need to let you know about it, we will do so.
10.0 Translations of this notice
10.1 If there are any conflicts or inconsistencies between translated versions of this notice, the English version will prevail.
11.0 Contact us
11.1 If you would like more information about how we use your personal data, or have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact the Dyson Institute at dysoninstitute@dyson.com, who are responsible for this notice.
11.2 You can also contact the regulator or authority in your country that is responsible for handling complaints about the use of personal data.