
An integrated learning journey.
You will study a general engineering syllabus during the first two years, whilst also completing credit bearing workplace rotations across Dyson's global engineering teams. The combination of academic learning and industry experience will give you a firm foundation in engineering principles and how they are applied in the workplace. At the end of the second year, you'll then choose which academic stream to specialise in for years three and four and be supported to find an accompanying workplace team.
- software engineering
- mechanical engineering
- electronics hardware engineering
- electromechanical engineering
Please note: While we make every effort to provide our prospective students and applicants with the most up to date and accurate module information for the coming academic years, you should be aware that the information provided is subject to change. If this happens, we will inform you in a timely manner.
Year 1 and 2
During the first two years, you will study six modules per year across a general engineering syllabus whilst completing four workplace rotations and a Summer Series project. You will complete two workplace rotations in each year rotating through four engineering teams specialising in mechanical engineering, electronics/electrical engineering, software engineering and New Product Innovation. In year 1 these will be completed in downstream teams focused on New Product Development. In year 2 these will be based in upstream teams working in applied research and New Concepts.
To present, in context, and provide skills in the application of fundamental mathematics and systems modelling concepts that underpin all of engineering. To encourage the development of problem solving and modelling skills as required in other year one modules and in order that more advanced material can be tackled in modules taught in later years.
- Functions, algebra and graphs
- Complex numbers
- Single variable calculus
- Linear algebra
- Systems of linear equations
- Differential equations
- Multivariate calculus, probability, statistics and hypothesis testing
- 100% - Examination
This module will introduce the fundamental programming concepts for procedural and event-driven programming using Python. Python is an interpreted and dynamically typed language which will allow you to gain insight into how software is built from the ground up. You will also be introduced to commonly used data structures used for storing and manipulating data, as well as external files and data input/output handling. You will then be introduced to tools that allow data to be visualised through plotting.
In this module, you will become familiar with industry-standard programming tools and techniques, become comfortable and competent to navigate a programming environment and be able to work with industry-standard coding practice.
The module will be taught using lectures, tutorials, and hands-on programming exercises.
- IDE and the wider programming environment for Python
- Programming fundamentals
- Operators and expressions
- Decision structures
- Loops
- Data, data structures, and data manipulation
- Functions
- Manipulating files
- Plots and formatting
- Debugging and unit testing
- Version control
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to provide you with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of electrical engineering (charge, voltage, current, power) and their application in components, topologies, and circuit analysis methods. It also provides you with an understanding of electrical machines, their fundamentals, and their applications. Closely aligned with first year mathematics, it enables you to apply mathematical techniques in appropriate engineering contexts. You will be encouraged to develop problem-solving and modelling skills relevant to all branches of engineering.
- Introduction to charge, current, voltage, energy and power
- Circuit elements, energy storage elements
- Resistive circuits, voltage and current dividers
- Kirchhoff's laws, DC and AC circuit theorems and analysis methods. RLC electric circuits and filters
- Introduction to semiconductors
- Fundamentals of electrical systems
- Electrical power, phasors, power factor, and harmonics
- Three-phase systems
- Fundamentals of electromagnetism
- Electric field and potential
- Electromagnets
- Transformers
- DC Machines
- Stepper motors
- Synchronous machines
- Induction machines
- 100% - Examination
The module deals with the fundamental principles of statics and mechanics of materials used in the design and analysis of structural systems such as buildings, bridges, towers, aircrafts and ships. The aims are to introduce the basic analytical formulations employed in the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components, and to develop the skills in system description and modelling. This module provides an overview of fundamental mechanical principles of solids and structures which will be required not only for technical mechanical design, but also for the systematic evaluation and analysis of various engineering problems.
- Introduction to vector mechanics
- Force, couple, and moment
- Free body diagrams
- Equilibrium of particles
- Equilibrium of rigid bodies
- Truss structures, frames, and machines
- Internal forces: shear force and bending moment diagrams
- Stress, strain, elastic constants, Hooke’s law
- Stress-strain diagram
- Stress and strain transformation
- Centre of gravity and centroid
- First and second moment of area
- Axial load
- Torsional load
- Beam bending
- Beam deflection due to bending
- Column buckling
- Combined loadings
- 100% - Examination
This module aims to provide an integrated introduction to electronics engineering, taught using challenge and problem-based learning infused with theory, practise, and research.
The primary goal of this module is to learn to understand and appreciate the fundamentals of electronic devices, analogue circuits, and their state of art applications in a variety of real-life engineering contexts.
This course will span the basics of design, operation and analysis of diodes, transistors, op-amps, converters, and analogue systems to sensors. Fostering creativity and ideas, design and lab exercises are significant components of the course aimed at embedding the engineering relevance and societal significance of electronic systems.
- Diodes: structure, working, types and applications
- Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) – structure, characteristics, load line analysis and applications
- BJT configuration as an amplifier and a switch
- Field Effect Transistors (Junction FETs, Metal-oxide semiconductor FETs) structure, working and characteristics
- Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, Thyristors and Triacs, working and applications
- Operational amplifiers: basic structure and configuration
- Op-amp application as filters, comparators, and oscillators
- Circuit design and prototyping
- Voltage regulators
- Rectifiers and inverter circuits
- Power electronic devices and systems
- Sensors, transducers, and their applications
- 100% - Examination
This module aims to deliver fundamental knowledge on thermodynamics and illustrate its importance to engineering systems. Thermodynamics is the science that is devoted to understanding energy in all its forms and how energy changes form. The module’s aim is to supply the necessary analytical tools to study these energy changes when applied in engineering situations.
Starting from fundamental concepts of work, heat and thermodynamic properties of matter, the course will cover the laws of thermodynamics and the various usages of the Carnot cycle, heat pumps, and heat exchangers.
- Multivariable functions: the mathematical background to the course
- Hydrostatics: the language of fluids, and the treatment of fluids at rest
- Simple flows: visualising flow, steady-flow, continuity, and the Bernoulli equation
- First Law of Thermodynamics: systems, processes, reversibility, and energy
- Application of First Law to Steady Flow Processes: control volume analysis, engineering devices
- Second Law of Thermodynamics: heat engines, reversibility, and efficiency
- Entropy: changes in entropy, Clausius inequality, entropy and property diagram
- 100% - Examination
You will work three days per week on real engineering problems related to the development of consumer electronic problems and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. This could be product problems on new technology or continuous improvement activities for the team or products. You will work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problem(s) and provide guidance.
The workplace rotations give you the opportunity to develop and apply knowledge and skills from the taught modules on real product development problems. By the end of year two you will have developed a broad range of knowledge, skills and behaviours as well as connections across the Dyson business allowing you to solve multidiscipline engineering problems.
During the mechanical rotation you will work in one team which could include but is not limited to: Acoustics, Design, Fluid Dynamics, Motors, Structural analysis, or Test.
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
You will work three days per week on real engineering problems related to the development of consumer electronic problems and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. This could be product problems on new technology or continuous improvement activities for the team or products. You will work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problem(s) and provide guidance.
The workplace rotations give you the opportunity to develop and apply knowledge and skills from the taught modules on real product development problems. By the end of year two you will have developed a broad range of knowledge, skills and behaviours as well as connections across the Dyson business allowing them to solve multidiscipline engineering problems.
During the electronics hardware rotation you will work in one team which could include but is not limited to: Motors, Power Electronics, Robotics, Sensors, or Test.
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
At the end of year one, Summer Series gives you a chance to take ownership of a project and develop your engineering toolkit and leadership skills.
You will be given a brief to solve a problem for one of Dyson’s teams and tasked to pitch your ideas to the Institute Management team. You will then work in small teams to develop the idea and turn concept into reality. In addition to developing your ideas you will receive a number of workshops to improve your engineering skills and help you with your project. Summer Series ends with a final presentation of your concept.
You will be supported to complete your projects by a number of workshops such as:
- Ideation workshop
- Project management
- Sketching
- Presentation skills
- 100% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including prototype
Building on the module “Foundations of Programming” where you are introduced to event-driven programming, this module aims to enhance your programming skills through use of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python. It will provide both a theoretical and practice led insight into the fundamentals and advanced concepts of OOP through a range of problems and scenarios/hands-on exercises.
The module will also familiarise you with theoretical and practical aspects of data acquisition and data analysis to develop your skills in creating systems and processes that are responsive to live real-world data.
Finally, you will be introduced to software development techniques and concepts, such as the use of GIT for version control and tracking changes in source code during development.
The module will be taught using lectures, tutorials and hands-on programming exercises.
- Object Oriented Programming fundamentals
- Object Oriented Programming advanced concepts
- Graphical User Interface design and implementation
- Data acquisition
- Data analysis
- Software development concepts and tools
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to continue building a solid mathematical foundation and builds on the year one Engineering Mathematics and Systems Modelling module.
Specifically, this module introduces more advanced topics related to the analysis of a wide variety of engineering systems, and aims to develop the skills in the application of more advanced mathematics and systems modelling concepts and tools that underpin many areas of Engineering.
In addition, the module aims to consolidate the development of problem solving and modelling skills as required in other year two modules. We also aim for you to be equipped with the skills to tackle advanced material in modules taught in later years, and to tackle problems you will work on during workplace rotations and in the later stages of your engineering careers.
- Series and limits
- Fourier analysis
- Laplace transforms
- Differentiation and integration of functions of two or more variables
- Vector calculus
- Partial differential equations
- 100% - Examination
The module aims to provide you with an understanding of digital systems and their applications. It puts them into context as core components of computer architecture.
The main focus is to understand digital systems and low-level computer architecture elements such as memories, arrays, Input/Output, and processes. It also shows the interconnection and role of the various layers from a device, through assembler, to programming and communication with other devices or systems.
- Digital devices
- Digital logic
- Combinational circuits
- Sequential circuits
- Processor elements
- Registers and memories
- Digital System Arrays (Multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoders, programmable logic arrays, FPGA, ASIC)
- I/O (Input/Output) systems
- A/D – D/A conversion
- Processes and communications (e.g. Kernel)
- Assembler and Low-level debugging
- Modern processor architectures
- Applications of Digital Systems
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to introduce the underlying concepts and applications of dynamics and vibration, and to explain how these apply to engineering systems. In this course, you will learn topics in dynamic mechanics including kinematics of different types of planar motion, force-momentum formulation for systems of particles and rigid bodies, impulse; bodies in rotation; work and power; torque, angular momentum and energy; and vibration.
- Introduction to dynamic mechanics, rectilinear and curvilinear motion
- Motion of projectile, dependent and relative motion
- Kinetics of a particle
- Planar kinematics of a rigid body
- Planar kinetics of a rigid body: force and acceleration
- Planar kinetics of a rigid body: work and energy
- Planar kinetics of a rigid body: impulse and momentum
- Vibrations
- 100% - Examination
This module aims to develop an understanding of the main techniques for modelling, analysis and design of practical continuous-time control systems. It covers the underlying concepts and applications of control theory to engineering systems, with particular emphasis on electromechanical systems.
The case studies underpin the usage of well-established analytical techniques for estimating the behaviour of single-input single-output systems under both steady-state and transient conditions.
- Basic concepts of control
- Sensors, controllers, actuators
- Principles of open- and closed-loop control, standard signals in control
- Modelling: time domain, Laplace domain
- Transfer functions
- Stability analysis
- Bode and Nyquist diagrams and stability analysis
- Performance in steady-state and transient operation
- P, I, D, PI, PID controllers and their application
- Practical Implementations (e.g. noisy inputs, output signals, etc.)
- Compensators
- Cascade control
- Dynamic behaviour from standard tests (specs)
- 100% - Examination
The primary goal of this module is to cultivate the skills necessary for understanding, modelling, and analysing heat transfer and fluid flow, and to apply these skills to diverse engineering systems adeptly.
The fluid mechanics component includes an introduction to fluid properties, followed by applying the principles of conservation of mass and momentum to broadly-defined engineering problems. The behaviour of fluids in pipes and over solid bodies will be thoroughly explored, and dimensional analysis and pi-theorem will be used to analyse thermofluids problems.
The heat transfer component will introduce different heat transfer mechanisms (conduction, convection and radiation), formulating them to analyse the steady-state and transient heat transfer problems. Both analytical and numerical methods will be used to analyse broadly-defined engineering problems.
- Viscosity and shear rate; Reynolds number; mass continuity; Bernoulli equation; flow measurement (pitot, venture, and orifice)
- Reynolds transform theorem
- Flow in pipes
- Flow over immersed bodies
- Differential form of mass and momentum conservation; Euler flow; Stokes flow; Couette flow; Poiseuille flow; Hagen-Poiseuille flow
- Dimensional analysis
Heat transfer
- Heat transfer review (conduction, convection, and radiation)
- Thermal resistance approach
- Heat transfer equation
- Finite difference methods to solve 1D and 2D heat transfer problems
- Transient heat conduction; lumped body analysis; large plane/cylinder spheres
- Heat convection and thermal boundary layer
- Radiation heat transfer
- 100% - Examination
You will work three days per week on real engineering problems related to the development of consumer electronic problems and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. This could be product problems on new technology or continuous improvement activities for the team or products. You will work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problem(s) and provide guidance.
The workplace rotations give you the opportunity to develop and apply knowledge and skills from the taught modules on real product development problems. By the end of year two you will have developed a broad range of knowledge, skills and behaviours as well as connections across the Dyson business allowing them to solve multidiscipline engineering problems.
During the software rotation you will work in one team which could include but is not limited to: Cloud, Embedded, Intelligent machine, or App.
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
You will work three days per week on real engineering problems related to the development of consumer electronic problems and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. This could be product problems on new technology or continuous improvement activities for the team or products. You will work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problem(s) and provide guidance.
The workplace rotations give you the opportunity to develop and apply knowledge and skills from the taught modules on real product development problems. By the end of year two you will have developed a broad range of knowledge, skills and behaviours as well as connections across the Dyson business allowing them to solve multidiscipline engineering problems.
During the NPI rotation you will work in one team which could include but is not limited to: Beauty products, New Concepts, or Industrial Design.
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
Years 3 and 4
As you transition into years three and four, you will have the opportunity to work in a manufacturing team which could include the opportunity to spend time in Dyson's inspiring research and development facilities in South East Asia. You will then move into your permanent home team to align with your degree specialism. You’ll study ten taught modules across the two years and work on an individual academic project that’s focused on your specialism – embedded within your team at Dyson.
This module aims to provide you with a solid foundation in understanding the complexities and challenges inherent in big data analysis and management and to equip them with advanced knowledge of data analytics tools and techniques to solve data analytics problems using mathematical interpretations, and to explore the ethical and security implications of big data. Through this, you will develop a comprehensive grasp of the field's intricacies and the skills necessary to tackle big data-related issues effectively. This module covers methods for collecting data, tools, and techniques for cleaning data, and dealing with inconsistencies, missing, and redundant data along with methods for analysing structured and unstructured data.
- Introduction to Big Data
- Fundamentals of data engineering
- Statistical foundations
- Big Data tools and techniques
- Optimisation for analytics
- Data analytics in practice
- Ethical and security considerations
- 100% - Coursework
This module provides a comprehensive introduction to large-scale web and cloud computing technologies for data-intensive applications. You will learn the fundamental principles and architectures of cloud computing, including virtualisation, containerisation, and X-as-a-Service models. The module covers scalable data processing using MapReduce, Spark, and other Big Data frameworks for solving problems across large datasets.
You will gain practical experience with cloud platforms like GCP for deploying web applications and running data analytics workflows. Key topics include cloud security, query optimisation, NoSQL databases, and large-scale graph processing. By the end of the module, you will be proficient in leveraging cloud infrastructure and tools to build highly available and resilient web-scale applications for modern data processing needs.
- Introduction to large-scale data processing and optimisation
- Cloud computing architectures (fundamental, advanced and specialised)
- Data Flow: Map/Reduce and Hadoop/Spark
- Virtualisation
- Containerisation, Serverless, EC2
- Overview of NewSQL and NoSQL technologies (Redshift, S3)
- Large-scale graph data processing: storage, processing model and parallel processing
- X-as-a-Service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS) - Intro to GCP, AWS
- Challenges & opportunities of cloud-native Data Processing Systems
- Fundamental Cloud Security
- Query planning and optimisation/data indexing
- 50% - Coursework
- 50% - Examination
The module will present the fundamentals of embedded systems including the microcontrollers’ architecture, programming languages, combinational logic, and practical examples to show the trade-offs between power, performance, and cost. A state-of-the-art microcontroller development suite will be used to analyse various aspects of embedded systems’ hardware as well as the conversion between analogue and digital signals given the application of sensors/actuators in an industrial context.
- The history and architecture of embedded systems
- Programming languages and development tools (C/C++)
- Compilation, assembly and linking in the translation process
- General purpose input/output and writing set of operations for them
- Asynchronous and synchronous serial communication
- Data formatting, timing diagrams, and signalling levels
- Perform voltage to binary and binary to voltage numerical conversions
- Embedded designing and programming for monitoring physical properties
- Embedded designing and programming for effecting physical control
- Interrupts, waveform generation and time measurement
- Applications of pulse width modulation
- I/O buses and master/slave devices
- Wireless ports (Wireless updates, bootloaders, functionality of products)
- Event-driven and real-time solutions
- Low Power Modes, Power Budgeting
- Safety requirements
- 100% - Coursework
This module introduces the concept, implementation and applications of digitally enabled objects that can transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The potential of Internet of things (IoT) in an industrial context for automating specific tasks such as industrial machine control, self-diagnostics in machines and predictive maintenance will be introduced. Different IoT systems architecture and programming techniques will be taught to acquire and process data using hardware kits such as Raspberry Pi, microcontrollers, energy monitors and PLCs.
- Basic function and architecture of a sensor
- Knowledge of different hardware devices
- Basic programming technique
- Industry related protocols
- Network systems (Protocols)
- Gathering and sharing data between different devices
- Connecting Sensors to the Cloud
- Collection and storage of IoT sensor data
- Data Aggregation
- Processing IoT Data
- Privacy and security
- Analysis and visualisation of data
- How things work together: Cloud and IoT
- Embedded operating systems
- Linux (and Windows) based IoT
- Cloud-based data collection
- On-Going IoT Operations
- Controlling/Operating devices/systems
- Hardware devices (regulations, power management)
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of core principles and practical methodologies in machine learning. With a strong emphasis on real-world applications, it will equip you with the skills required to harness the potential of data science. Encompassing areas such as data quality, predictive modelling, image processing, ethical considerations, and challenges within low-resource machine learning, the module prepares you for practical engagement.
By fostering proficiency in data handling and predictive modelling, the curriculum encourages the translation of theoretical knowledge into practical contexts. Ethical dimensions inherent in data science and the intricacies of low-resource environments are thoughtfully examined, nurturing ethical decision-making and effective resource optimisation strategies.
By the end of this module, you will be well-versed in applied machine learning, positioned to navigate complexities and make meaningful contributions to the dynamic and evolving domain of data science and machine learning.
- Foundations of data science (data types and proliferation, data quality, integrity, and cleaning)
- Machine learning basics (predictive modelling and algorithms, model evaluation and validation)
- Image processing and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (image enhancement, convolution operations, CNNs for classification, detection, segmentation)
- Ethical machine learning (challenges, fairness, and privacy, legal considerations and risk mitigation)
- Low-resource environment machine learning (algorithms, optimisation techniques, memory, computational efficiency)
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to understand and appreciate appropriate manufacturing technologies and the role of material selection and metrology in a production environment.
Comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing techniques is vital for many engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electronics, industrial and manufacturing. The module will cover a range of conventional and non-conventional manufacturing.
The module will provide an insight into the technical aspects of manufacturing and highlight processing considerations and common defects for both new emerging manufacturing processes as well as traditional processes.
In this module, you will develop an understanding of how to use computers and manufacturing technology to produce a heterogeneous mix of products in small or large volumes with both the efficiency of mass production and the flexibility of custom manufacturing in order to respond quickly to customer demands.
- Introduction to manufacturing and industrial revolutions
- Material structure and properties
- Overview of manufacturing technologies (casting, powder metallurgy, forming, extrusion, injection moulding, forging, machining, surface treatments, joining)
- Heat treatments and annealing
- Introduction to lean engineering
- Material and process selection
- Electronics packaging and assembly techniques (including surface mount, through hole and soldering processes)
- Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly
- The latest trends in manufacturing technology (including additive layer manufacturing)
- The future of manufacturing – 4th industrial revolution
- Cyber manufacturing systems
- The smart factory
- Composite component construction
- Terminology and standards
- Principles and methods of measurement
- 100% - Coursework
The module provides a deeper understanding of the principles of operation of mobile robots and future robotic applications outside the factory. It focuses on the methodology used for modelling, planning, control and localisation of mobile robots in both structured and unstructured environments.
The focus is on wheeled robots, which are the most common, however the techniques introduced are general enough to be applied to any mobile robot. A part of the course is devoted to recent techniques in robotic perception and on-board intelligence that are deemed to play a relevant role in the coming years.
- Applications, problems, architectures
- Configuration space
- Mechanics, Kinematics
- Path/trajectory planning-tracking
- Regulation
- Retraction and cell decomposition
- Probabilistic planning
- Artificial potential fields
- Sensors for mobile robots
- Odometric localisation
- Bayes theorem
- Kalman Filters
- Landmark-based and SLAM
- Practical Robotics, consistency and correlation
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to introduce techniques and tools for modelling, predicting, and analysing the behaviour of dynamic systems; and to introduce concepts, principles and techniques employed in classical methods of control systems design and signal processing.
Signal Processing can analyse, modify, and enhance various signals, audio, video, and communication signals. It supports and enhances interfaces between humans, between machines and between humans and machines. This module provides a detailed knowledge base for the theoretical and practical techniques used in discrete-time systems. It aims to develop your skills in designing digital filters and using Fourier transform techniques.
Several digital image processing techniques will be introduced and then used in simulations and practical laboratory sessions.
- Linear time Invariant Systems
- Systems Modelling Principles
- Fourier transform
- Z-Transform
- Sampling and reconstruction
- Digital Filters
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Applications and Design
- 40% - Examination
- 45% - Coursework 1 (Individual report)
- 15% - Coursework 2 (Presentation/viva)
The module aims to present the major components of a practical software lifecycle through team-based software engineering. This includes analysis, design, development, testing, maintenance, and aspects of documentation.
You will be introduced to, and asked to carry out, prototyping, software design and implementation, and testing. You'll also learn how to manage a project, inclusive of the software elements, which includes user requirement elicitation, user presentation, and feedback capture.
The module will also cover the important factors relating to software quality including functionality, reliability, usability, portability, and maintainability.
- Conventional software process and software life-cycle models
- Software project management, team organisation, and roles
- Risk assessment, management, and mitigation
- Requirements elicitation, stakeholder management, user feedback, and evaluation
- System prototyping, design, and implementation
- Software quality assurance, verification, and testing
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to equip you with the knowledge of computer architecture and networked computer systems required to build a small to medium-networked computer and the corresponding switching routing principles. This includes topics such as IP addressing techniques (IPv4 and IPv6); command-line interface (CLI) configuration of Ethernet switches, routers, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs); network security and firewalls. Software based real-world scenarios are used to enhance the theoretical knowledge of network devices and configure both Ethernet switching and IP configuration. Automotive communication network protocols such as Flex Ray, CAN and LIN will also be covered in this module.
Skills acquired in this module will enable you to identify, plan, build and maintain computer systems networks, as well as troubleshoot common hardware and software problems in an industrial environment.
- Computer architecture and internetworking - computer architecture; control units including hardwired and microprogrammed control units; performance of microprocessors; RISC/CISC architectures and the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Storage devices, memory hierarchy, data storage and elementary error detection and correction. Brief number system reminder and binary/decimal conversion for networking. Basics of internetworking, background of data communication (wired, wireless). Network topologies (Star, Mesh, Hybrid) and core/access tiers. Cabling technology, troubleshoot interface and cable issues; Network Interface Card
- The OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP reference model - Error-detection and correction techniques; Principles of Reliable Data Transfer. Network Devices: Hub, Switch, Router, Firewalls, Access points, Wireless controllers and their role in connection with the TCP/IP model
- Ethernet technology - Multiple Access Links and Protocols (static and dynamic channel allocation). MAC addressing, Frame format Broadcast & collusion domain. Describe and verify switching concepts (MAC learning, Frame switching, frame flooding, MAC address table); Further protocol discussions such as STP algorithm
- IP addressing and routing - Network Protocols, IPv4 address types (Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast); IPv6 basics. Private and Public networks. Subnet Mask, troubleshoot IPv4 addressing and sub-netting. Introducing the most common services such as HTTP, DNS and Email and VOIP and corresponding layers
- Advanced features - Automotive Networks characteristics and its communication requirements. The combined wired/wireless network infrastructure modes. Steps for designing and configuring a combined network. Security aspects and configurations in a simple personal or a network-based enterprise architecture
- 100% - Examination
The aim of project work is to undertake a piece of independent study that will draw on the knowledge and skills acquired during the programme. The project will deepen comprehension of principles and methods by applying them to a problem in the workplace. You'll develop enhanced knowledge and understanding of the engineering-related aspects of their project. Typically, you'll develop skills in qualitative and quantitative analysis, risk assessment, problem solving using appropriate methodologies, research and information gathering as well as planning and designing an experiment. Generic skills developed during projects will include using appropriate engineering analysis software and IT tools, adhering to research ethics processes and health & safety requirement, oral/written communication, project and time management, computing and IT, self-discipline and self-motivation.
Project brief
Your project shall focus on a problem relevant to Dyson that may relate to the Dyson's products, its engineering processes or the management of the business from a technical perspective.
As the project can cover any one of a broad range of topics, you'll be responsible for the initiation, planning and management of the task. This means that the knowledge and skills you acquire during this module will differ quite significantly from those acquired elsewhere on the course.
Unlike other classroom-based modules, tuition during the Work-Based Project is facilitated partly via group seminars, online exercises and report style guides but primarily via tailored advice and guidance from your supervisors at key points in the project’s lifecycle. That tuition will cover the following topics and techniques:
- Approaches to identifying and describing a problem in or improvement to the workplace that, if remedied to a professional standard, will deliver meaningful outcomes for the company
- Techniques for planning an approach to solving the selected problem or delivering the anticipated improvement within the constraints imposed by the time and resources available for the project
- Methods for assessing any risks that may hinder or otherwise diminish the effectiveness of the work done to achieve/deliver the specified outcome of the project
- Methods for risk assessment and risk control in the context of occupational health and safety
- Techniques for conducting a review of relevant literature in order to identify and apply theories, methods or concepts that may guide the planning and execution of the project
- Requirements for engineering activities to promote sustainable development, knowledge of relevant legal issues, codes of practice and industry standards
- Approaches to managing and executing the project in accordance with the plan specified previously, monitoring progress and responding appropriately to any change in resource or circumstance that might affect its outcome or the effectiveness of the eventual solution
- Methods of reflecting on and evaluating the outcome of the project with respect to its aims in order to estimate the impact of the improvement brought to the workplace by the proposed solution or improvement
- Estimating the contribution of the project to a more sustainable products, processes and practice.
- Techniques for disseminating the outcome of the project to both technical and non-technical audiences, including the awareness of intellectual property issues
Separate submissions consisting of:
- 30% - Interim report
- 70% - Final report
Starting in the summer of year two and through the Autumn you will have the opportunity to work in manufacturing teams and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products.
You'll work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problems and provide guidance. As part of the rotation you'll have the opportunity to work with international colleagues and learn how to manage projects across time zones and cultures.
You'll gain first-hand experience of modern manufacturing processes and the challenges associated with transitioning from design to production.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this rotation, you should be able to:
- Describe of the full product lifecycle and evaluate how early-stage design decisions impact the manufacturing process
- Communicate effectively across multicultural teams
- Recommend design or process changes in order to achieve weight saving, accelerated time to market, quality improvements, cost reduction and/or reduced environmental impact
- Critically review and evaluate the existing manufacturing techniques associated with Dyson parts and products
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
After the manufacturing rotation, you will join your permanent home team. The home team is selected by you (subject to business needs and capacity constraints) and is aligned to your stream of study.
You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products. Your project work will cover three days a week, and you’ll be supported by your line manager and technical mentor to work to solve problems in small teams.
During this placement, you’ll be working at the level of a university graduate with increased responsibility. You'll work on current engineering challenges across multidisciplinary project teams, owning the performance of parts or systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of your final two years, you should be able to:
- Understand and generate requirements and specification taking account of any safety or compliance requirements
- Design and develop systems to meet a specification
- Design and develop test methods to evaluate the performance of a system or process, against a defined specification or requirement
- Assess how different systems within an engineering product or process interact and affect performance
- Manage the delivery of a project/system including the management of tasks and resources
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
Sound impacts on our daily lives in many ways, from the safety and comfort of the environments in which we live and work, to the functionality of the products that we use. The aim of this module is to provide you with a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of acoustics, including the origins of sound, how we perceive it, and the subsequent implications for product design.
The module will cover the underlying physics of sound and sound propagation, introducing the one-dimensional wave equation; along with time- and frequency-domain representations of sound signals. Approaches for the measurement and analysis of sound will be introduced and discussed, with an emphasis on practical applications in industry.
You will also learn about noise control and mitigation strategies, with an overview of noise legislation and its application to products and the environment. By the end of this module, you will be able to analyse and design products and environments that effectively control noise a
- Introduction to sound
- Sound propagation and wave equations
- Wave motion in enclosures and ducts
- Time and frequency domain analysis of sound signals
- Sinusoidal signals and noise spectra
- Sound perception and effect of noise on people
- Sound power and intensity
- Sound measurement and instrumentation
- Acoustic impedance and absorption
- Reflection and diffraction
- Sound attenuation and transmission loss
- Environmental noise and noise legislation
- Noise control methods
- 100% - Examination
This module starts with a recap on deriving fundamental conservation laws for fluids (mass, momentum, and energy). It demonstrates the application of these equations for solving simple flow problems. This will be expanded further by focusing on the classical theory of fluid dynamics by covering viscous flows, emphasising boundary layers, potential flows, turbomachinery fluid dynamics, and compressible flows.
The module will introduce advanced numerical methods which can be used to solve the governing equations of fluid flow and turbulence. This numerical approach is often referred to as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). You will learn to utilise conservation laws to derive the governing equations of fluid dynamics and then to apply the finite volume method to transform these governing equations into a set of linear algebraic equations which can then be solved computationally.
You will also be provided with a general understating of turbulence and the nature and structure of turbulent flows as
- Refresher on year two fluids: flow properties; fluid as continuum, Langragian and Eulerian description, velocity and stress field
- Definition of various non-Newtonian liquids
- Reynolds transport theorem, integral and differential forms of governing equations: mass, momentum and energy conservation equations, Navier-Stokes equations, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation.
- Boundary layer equations, boundary layer thickness, boundary layer on a flat plate, similarity solutions, integral form of boundary layer equations, flow separation, inviscid stability theory, boundary layer stability, transition to turbulence
- Stream and velocity potential function, circulation, irrotational vortex, basic plane potential flows: uniform stream, source and sink, vortex flow, doublet, superposition of basic plane potential flows
- Flow past a circular cylinder, Magnus effect, Kutta-Joukowski lift theorem, concept of lift and drag
- Turbomachinery; introduction, elementary pump t
- 100% - Examination
In the first part, the module will aim to develop your abilities to understand, model and analyse advanced thermodynamics theories and systems and apply these to engineering systems. The advanced thermodynamic cycles component will include the analysis of real power heating and cooling systems using thermodynamic principles. In the second part of this module, the theories and applications of heat transfer as well as mass transfer will be introduced, and you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to solve problems for the design, assessment, and analysis of heat and mass transfer processes.
- Gases: ideal gas; gas mixture; real gas behaviour, kinetic theory
- Humidity: specific and relative humidity; saturation pressure; dew point
- Real air cycles: polytropic eq. of state; Otto cycle; Diesel cycle
- Refrigeration: P-h and T-S diagram; reversed Carnot cycle; cryogenics
- Heat pumps: applications; coefficient of performance
- Solid state heat pumps: thermoelectric materials/cooling
Heat transfer
- Fundamentals: revision of year two heat transfer concepts
- Fin cooling; fin array; fin cooling with natural convection
- Mass transfer: mass diffusion; heat & mass transfer; convective mass transfer; drying
- Heat and mass transfer in porous media; filtration
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to understand and appreciate appropriate manufacturing technologies and the role of material selection and metrology in a production environment.
Comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing techniques is vital for many engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electronics, industrial and manufacturing. The module will cover a range of conventional and non-conventional manufacturing.
The module will provide an insight into the technical aspects of manufacturing and highlight processing considerations and common defects for both new emerging manufacturing processes as well as traditional processes.
In this module, you will develop an understanding of how to use computers and manufacturing technology to produce a heterogeneous mix of products in small or large volumes with both the efficiency of mass production and the flexibility of custom manufacturing in order to respond quickly to customer demands.
- Introduction to manufacturing and industrial revolutions
- Material structure and properties
- Overview of manufacturing technologies (casting, powder metallurgy, forming, extrusion, injection moulding, forging, machining, surface treatments, joining)
- Heat treatments and annealing
- Introduction to lean engineering
- Material and process selection
- Electronics packaging and assembly techniques (including surface mount, through hole and soldering processes)
- Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly
- The latest trends in manufacturing technology (including additive layer manufacturing)
- The future of manufacturing – 4th industrial revolution
- Cyber manufacturing systems
- The smart factory
- Composite component construction
- Terminology and standards
- Principles and methods of measurement
- 100% - Coursework
This module briefly reviews concepts of stress analysis used to determine the stress, strain and deflection of mechanical parts, and also fundamental approaches to failure prevention under static and repeated loading. The module mostly focuses on the study of kinematics and design of machinery and related mechanical components, with the aim to introduce fundamental principles of interaction between load and deflection in machinery design, and to develop practical design methodology with emphasis on applications (sizing of parts and selection of materials) and synthesis of mechanical components such as shaft, joints, belts, bearings, and gears.
- Review on stress analysis & failure criteria: refresher on material strength and stiffness; discussion of major loadings associated with the rotating components; failure mechanisms including creep and fatigue
- Introduction to mechanical engineering design: fundamentals of the design process; standards and codes; factor of safety; reliability
- Shafts and shaft components: shaft materials; shaft design for stress; deflection considerations; critical speeds for shafts
- Joints: screws, fasteners; design for adhesive bonding; special case of design optimisation by component strain matching
- Rolling-contact bearings: bearing types; bearing reliability versus life; relating load, life, and reliability; combined radial and thrust loading; selection of ball and cylindrical roller bearings; design assessment for selected rolling-contact bearings; hydrodynamic lubrication: derivation of Reynold’s equation in one dimension; solutions for wide plane thrust bearings and journal bearings; friction and temperature rise associated with hydrodynamic bearings
- Traction drives and belts
- Gears: types of gears: spur, helical, bevel, worm; conjugate action; involute properties; contact ratio; interference; force analysis in gears
- 100% - Examination
The module provides a deeper understanding of the principles of operation of mobile robots and future robotic applications outside the factory. It focuses on the methodology used for modelling, planning, control and localisation of mobile robots in both structured and unstructured environments.
The focus is on wheeled robots, which are the most common, however the techniques introduced are general enough to be applied to any mobile robot. A part of the course is devoted to recent techniques in robotic perception and on-board intelligence that are deemed to play a relevant role in the coming years.
- Applications, problems, architectures
- Configuration space
- Mechanics, Kinematics
- Path/trajectory planning-tracking
- Regulation
- Retraction and cell decomposition
- Probabilistic planning
- Artificial potential fields
- Sensors for mobile robots
- Odometric localisation
- Bayes theorem
- Kalman Filters
- Landmark-based and SLAM
- Practical Robotics, consistency and correlation
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to introduce techniques and tools for modelling, predicting, and analysing the behaviour of dynamic systems; and to introduce concepts, principles and techniques employed in classical methods of control systems design and signal processing.
Signal Processing can analyse, modify, and enhance various signals, audio, video, and communication signals. It supports and enhances interfaces between humans, between machines and between humans and machines. This module provides a detailed knowledge base for the theoretical and practical techniques used in discrete-time systems. It aims to develop your skills in designing digital filters and using Fourier transform techniques.
Several digital image processing techniques will be introduced and then used in simulations and practical laboratory sessions.
- Linear time Invariant Systems
- Systems Modelling Principles
- Fourier transform
- Z-Transform
- Sampling and reconstruction
- Digital Filters
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Applications and Design
- 40% - Examination
- 45% - Coursework 1 (Individual report)
- 15% - Coursework 2 (Presentation/viva)
The module aims to present the major components of a practical software lifecycle through team-based software engineering. This includes analysis, design, development, testing, maintenance, and aspects of documentation.
You will be introduced to, and asked to carry out, prototyping, software design and implementation, and testing. You'll also learn how to manage a project, inclusive of the software elements, which includes user requirement elicitation, user presentation, and feedback capture.
The module will also cover the important factors relating to software quality including functionality, reliability, usability, portability, and maintainability.
- Conventional software process and software life-cycle models
- Software project management, team organisation, and roles
- Risk assessment, management, and mitigation
- Requirements elicitation, stakeholder management, user feedback, and evaluation
- System prototyping, design, and implementation
- Software quality assurance, verification, and testing
- 100% - Coursework
This module reviews concepts of statics and strength of materials used to determine the stress, strain and deflection of structures, and introduces fundamental approaches to failure prevention for static and repeated loading.
The module continues by introducing mathematical and numerical methods to simulate structural problems by modern engineering tools and packages. It will further enhance both theoretical and practical appreciation of CAD and matrix analysis of structures, whilst introducing the supporting role of Finite Element Method (FEM).
Stress Analysis
- Introduction to mechanical properties of engineering materials and their stress-strain behaviour
- Load/force analysis; refresher on the first year module
- Analysis and Design of Shafts for Torsion
- Analysis and Design of Beams for Bending
- Multiple loadings and Complex Stresses
- Principal Stresses / Stress Transformation
- Design based on failure criteria
- monotonic failure; failure mechanisms associated with rotating machines
- Fatigue failure analysis
- Review of Linear Algebra, Matrix calculations
- Fundamental Relationships of Structural Analysis
- The Finite Element Method
- Basic Concepts and definitions
- Fundamental equations of FEM
- Shape functions and the interpolation concept
- 1D FE Analysis
- 2D FE Analysis
- FE formulations of Beam element
- Plane frames
- Implementation of FE formulations in programming languages (e.g. MATLAB)
- 100% - Coursework
The purpose of this module is to demonstrate dynamical performance of rotors and also to solve problems such as synchronous and non-synchronous whirl, sensitivity to unbalance, threshold of instability, torsional behaviour of branched systems, the analysis of steady and cyclic stress distributions caused by unbalance and other vibration phenomena.
- Fundamentals of machine vibration and classical solutions
- Torsional vibration
- Introduction to rotordynamics analysis
- Computer Simulations of rotordynamics
- Bearings and their effect on rotordynamics
- Fluid seals and their effect on rotordynamics
- 100% - Coursework
The aim of project work is to undertake a piece of independent study that will draw on the knowledge and skills acquired during the programme. The project will deepen comprehension of principles and methods by applying them to a problem in the workplace. You'll develop enhanced knowledge and understanding of the engineering-related aspects of their project. Typically, you'll develop skills in qualitative and quantitative analysis, risk assessment, problem solving using appropriate methodologies, research and information gathering as well as planning and designing an experiment. Generic skills developed during projects will include using appropriate engineering analysis software and IT tools, adhering to research ethics processes and health & safety requirement, oral/written communication, project and time management, computing and IT, self-discipline and self-motivation.
Project brief
Your project shall focus on a problem relevant to Dyson that may relate to the Dyson's products, its engineering processes or the management of the business from a technical perspective.
As the project can cover any one of a broad range of topics, you'll be responsible for the initiation, planning and management of the task. This means that the knowledge and skills you acquire during this module will differ quite significantly from those acquired elsewhere on the course.
Unlike other classroom-based modules, tuition during the Work-Based Project is facilitated partly via group seminars, online exercises and report style guides but primarily via tailored advice and guidance from your supervisors at key points in the project’s lifecycle. That tuition will cover the following topics and techniques:
- Approaches to identifying and describing a problem in or improvement to the workplace that, if remedied to a professional standard, will deliver meaningful outcomes for the company
- Techniques for planning an approach to solving the selected problem or delivering the anticipated improvement within the constraints imposed by the time and resources available for the project
- Methods for assessing any risks that may hinder or otherwise diminish the effectiveness of the work done to achieve/deliver the specified outcome of the project
- Methods for risk assessment and risk control in the context of occupational health and safety
- Techniques for conducting a review of relevant literature in order to identify and apply theories, methods or concepts that may guide the planning and execution of the project
- Requirements for engineering activities to promote sustainable development, knowledge of relevant legal issues, codes of practice and industry standards
- Approaches to managing and executing the project in accordance with the plan specified previously, monitoring progress and responding appropriately to any change in resource or circumstance that might affect its outcome or the effectiveness of the eventual solution
- Methods of reflecting on and evaluating the outcome of the project with respect to its aims in order to estimate the impact of the improvement brought to the workplace by the proposed solution or improvement
- Estimating the contribution of the project to a more sustainable products, processes and practice.
- Techniques for disseminating the outcome of the project to both technical and non-technical audiences, including the awareness of intellectual property issues
Separate submissions consisting of:
- 30% - Interim report
- 70% - Final report
Starting in the summer of year two and through the Autumn you will have the opportunity to work in manufacturing teams and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products.
You'll work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problems and provide guidance. As part of the rotation you'll have the opportunity to work with international colleagues and learn how to manage projects across time zones and cultures.
You'll gain first-hand experience of modern manufacturing processes and the challenges associated with transitioning from design to production.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this rotation, you should be able to:
- Describe of the full product lifecycle and evaluate how early-stage design decisions impact the manufacturing process
- Communicate effectively across multicultural teams
- Recommend design or process changes in order to achieve weight saving, accelerated time to market, quality improvements, cost reduction and/or reduced environmental impact
- Critically review and evaluate the existing manufacturing techniques associated with Dyson parts and products
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
After the manufacturing rotation, you will join your permanent home team. The home team is selected by you (subject to business needs and capacity constraints) and is aligned to your stream of study.
You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products. Your project work will cover three days a week, and you’ll be supported by your line manager and technical mentor to work to solve problems in small teams.
During this placement, you’ll be working at the level of a university graduate with increased responsibility. You'll work on current engineering challenges across multidisciplinary project teams, owning the performance of parts or systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of your final two years, you should be able to:
- Understand and generate requirements and specification taking account of any safety or compliance requirements
- Design and develop systems to meet a specification
- Design and develop test methods to evaluate the performance of a system or process, against a defined specification or requirement
- Assess how different systems within an engineering product or process interact and affect performance
- Manage the delivery of a project/system including the management of tasks and resources
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
The module aims to provide you with the ability to analyse and design analogue electronic circuits. You will be able to use electronic design automation tools, for different simulation analyses. It will encompass typical functions of analogue circuits: voltage and current references, operational amplifiers (internal topology and their utilisation in different closed-loop circuits), filters, signal conditioning, comparators, oscillators and signal generators.
You will be encouraged to explore and compare the performance of different circuits with the same functionality.
- Analogue circuit modelling and simulation
- Behaviour of discrete components
- Class AB and B power amplifiers
- Voltage and current references
- Operational amplifiers (including internal topology)
- Analogue multipliers and their applications
- Operational transconductance amplifiers and applications
- Design of analogue filters
- Signal selection, processing and conversion (including multiplexing, ADCs and DACs)
- Comparators, hysteresis
- Oscillators and voltage-controlled oscillators
- Waveform generators
- Sensitivity and Tolerance
- Worst case design analysis
- 100% - Coursework
The module will present the fundamentals of embedded systems including the microcontrollers’ architecture, programming languages, combinational logic, and practical examples to show the trade-offs between power, performance, and cost. A state-of-the-art microcontroller development suite will be used to analyse various aspects of embedded systems’ hardware as well as the conversion between analogue and digital signals given the application of sensors/actuators in an industrial context.
- The history and architecture of embedded systems
- Programming languages and development tools (C/C++)
- Compilation, assembly and linking in the translation process
- General purpose input/output and writing set of operations for them
- Asynchronous and synchronous serial communication
- Data formatting, timing diagrams, and signalling levels
- Perform voltage to binary and binary to voltage numerical conversions
- Embedded designing and programming for monitoring physical properties
- Embedded designing and programming for effecting physical control
- Interrupts, waveform generation and time measurement
- Applications of pulse width modulation
- I/O buses and master/slave devices
- Wireless ports (Wireless updates, bootloaders, functionality of products)
- Event-driven and real-time solutions
- Low Power Modes, Power Budgeting
- Safety requirements
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to show how power electronics, modern electric motors and control theory underpin modern electric drives. Characteristics of standard and bespoke AC motors will be analysed in context of different control approaches, focusing on vector control and direct-torque control. Applications will include appliances, robotics and electric vehicles.
- Motors revision
- Applications (e.g. automotive, home appliances, robotics)
- Modelling and analysis of DC, induction, PM and reluctance motors
- Modelling AC motors in orthogonal d-q reference frames
- Heating and Thermal effects in electric drives, Losses and where losses occur
- Performance tests
- Steady-state characteristics of motors under controlled DC or AC supply
- Principles of single-loop and cascaded control systems for drives
- Scalar control, vector control, direct torque control
- Performance issues regarding sensors' accuracy and/or parameter sensitivity (Position sensing)
- Types of generic and bespoke power electronic converters
- Current-regulated pulse-width modulation for low-power drives
- Limitations of power electronics in high-power drives
- Typical frequency converter – modes of operation, interfaces, parameter adjustment
- Electric drives design/specification
- 100% - Coursework
This module introduces the concept, implementation and applications of digitally enabled objects that can transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The potential of Internet of things (IoT) in an industrial context for automating specific tasks such as industrial machine control, self-diagnostics in machines and predictive maintenance will be introduced. Different IoT systems architecture and programming techniques will be taught to acquire and process data using hardware kits such as Raspberry Pi, microcontrollers, energy monitors and PLCs.
- Basic function and architecture of a sensor
- Knowledge of different hardware devices
- Basic programming technique
- Industry related protocols
- Network systems (Protocols)
- Gathering and sharing data between different devices
- Connecting Sensors to the Cloud
- Collection and storage of IoT sensor data
- Data Aggregation
- Processing IoT Data
- Privacy and security
- Analysis and visualisation of data
- How things work together: Cloud and IoT
- Embedded operating systems
- Linux (and Windows) based IoT
- Cloud-based data collection
- On-Going IoT Operations
- Controlling/Operating devices/systems
- Hardware devices (regulations, power management)
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of core principles and practical methodologies in machine learning. With a strong emphasis on real-world applications, it will equip you with the skills required to harness the potential of data science. Encompassing areas such as data quality, predictive modelling, image processing, ethical considerations, and challenges within low-resource machine learning, the module prepares you for practical engagement.
By fostering proficiency in data handling and predictive modelling, the curriculum encourages the translation of theoretical knowledge into practical contexts. Ethical dimensions inherent in data science and the intricacies of low-resource environments are thoughtfully examined, nurturing ethical decision-making and effective resource optimisation strategies.
By the end of this module, you will be well-versed in applied machine learning, positioned to navigate complexities and make meaningful contributions to the dynamic and evolving domain of data science and machine learning.
- Foundations of data science (data types and proliferation, data quality, integrity, and cleaning)
- Machine learning basics (predictive modelling and algorithms, model evaluation and validation)
- Image processing and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (image enhancement, convolution operations, CNNs for classification, detection, segmentation)
- Ethical machine learning (challenges, fairness, and privacy, legal considerations and risk mitigation)
- Low-resource environment machine learning (algorithms, optimisation techniques, memory, computational efficiency)
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to understand and appreciate appropriate manufacturing technologies and the role of material selection and metrology in a production environment.
Comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing techniques is vital for many engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electronics, industrial and manufacturing. The module will cover a range of conventional and non-conventional manufacturing.
The module will provide an insight into the technical aspects of manufacturing and highlight processing considerations and common defects for both new emerging manufacturing processes as well as traditional processes.
In this module, you will develop an understanding of how to use computers and manufacturing technology to produce a heterogeneous mix of products in small or large volumes with both the efficiency of mass production and the flexibility of custom manufacturing in order to respond quickly to customer demands.
- Introduction to manufacturing and industrial revolutions
- Material structure and properties
- Overview of manufacturing technologies (casting, powder metallurgy, forming, extrusion, injection moulding, forging, machining, surface treatments, joining)
- Heat treatments and annealing
- Introduction to lean engineering
- Material and process selection
- Electronics packaging and assembly techniques (including surface mount, through hole and soldering processes)
- Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly
- The latest trends in manufacturing technology (including additive layer manufacturing)
- The future of manufacturing – 4th industrial revolution
- Cyber manufacturing systems
- The smart factory
- Composite component construction
- Terminology and standards
- Principles and methods of measurement
- 100% - Coursework
Modern electronic equipment, domestic and industrial alike, requires energy delivered to it to enable adequate, efficient and flexible operation. Power electronics is used for processing power rather than information, and energy systems (including storage) are used to assist in the efficient and effective delivery of energy where and when it is required.
This module aims to introduce the concepts of power electronic devices and their usage for power processing, conversion, and control purposes, and energy systems and their usage including batteries and battery technology. The module will present a range of applications of power electronics and energy systems, from power supplies for laptops and electronic devices, batteries for mobile and in modern applications such as electric vehicles to motor drives in appliances such as consumer electronics, robotics and electric vehicles.
- Introduction to Energy Systems
- Energy Generation Technology
- Principles of Energy Conversion
- Power Electronics Devices and Circuits
- Power Electronics Design
- Batteries
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Storage
- Supercapacitors
- Power Electronics and Energy Stem Integration and Applications
- Energy Systems Design Considerations
- 100% - Coursework
The module provides a deeper understanding of the principles of operation of mobile robots and future robotic applications outside the factory. It focuses on the methodology used for modelling, planning, control and localisation of mobile robots in both structured and unstructured environments.
The focus is on wheeled robots, which are the most common, however the techniques introduced are general enough to be applied to any mobile robot. A part of the course is devoted to recent techniques in robotic perception and on-board intelligence that are deemed to play a relevant role in the coming years.
- Applications, problems, architectures
- Configuration space
- Mechanics, Kinematics
- Path/trajectory planning-tracking
- Regulation
- Retraction and cell decomposition
- Probabilistic planning
- Artificial potential fields
- Sensors for mobile robots
- Odometric localisation
- Bayes theorem
- Kalman Filters
- Landmark-based and SLAM
- Practical Robotics, consistency and correlation
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to introduce techniques and tools for modelling, predicting, and analysing the behaviour of dynamic systems; and to introduce concepts, principles and techniques employed in classical methods of control systems design and signal processing.
Signal Processing can analyse, modify, and enhance various signals, audio, video, and communication signals. It supports and enhances interfaces between humans, between machines and between humans and machines. This module provides a detailed knowledge base for the theoretical and practical techniques used in discrete-time systems. It aims to develop your skills in designing digital filters and using Fourier transform techniques.
Several digital image processing techniques will be introduced and then used in simulations and practical laboratory sessions.
- Linear time Invariant Systems
- Systems Modelling Principles
- Fourier transform
- Z-Transform
- Sampling and reconstruction
- Digital Filters
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Applications and Design
- 40% - Examination
- 45% - Coursework 1 (Individual report)
- 15% - Coursework 2 (Presentation/viva)
The module aims to present the major components of a practical software lifecycle through team-based software engineering. This includes analysis, design, development, testing, maintenance, and aspects of documentation.
You will be introduced to, and asked to carry out, prototyping, software design and implementation, and testing. You'll also learn how to manage a project, inclusive of the software elements, which includes user requirement elicitation, user presentation, and feedback capture.
The module will also cover the important factors relating to software quality including functionality, reliability, usability, portability, and maintainability.
- Conventional software process and software life-cycle models
- Software project management, team organisation, and roles
- Risk assessment, management, and mitigation
- Requirements elicitation, stakeholder management, user feedback, and evaluation
- System prototyping, design, and implementation
- Software quality assurance, verification, and testing
- 100% - Coursework
The aim of project work is to undertake a piece of independent study that will draw on the knowledge and skills acquired during the programme. The project will deepen comprehension of principles and methods by applying them to a problem in the workplace. You'll develop enhanced knowledge and understanding of the engineering-related aspects of their project. Typically, you'll develop skills in qualitative and quantitative analysis, risk assessment, problem solving using appropriate methodologies, research and information gathering as well as planning and designing an experiment. Generic skills developed during projects will include using appropriate engineering analysis software and IT tools, adhering to research ethics processes and health & safety requirement, oral/written communication, project and time management, computing and IT, self-discipline and self-motivation.
Project brief
Your project shall focus on a problem relevant to Dyson that may relate to the Dyson's products, its engineering processes or the management of the business from a technical perspective.
As the project can cover any one of a broad range of topics, you'll be responsible for the initiation, planning and management of the task. This means that the knowledge and skills you acquire during this module will differ quite significantly from those acquired elsewhere on the course.
Unlike other classroom-based modules, tuition during the Work-Based Project is facilitated partly via group seminars, online exercises and report style guides but primarily via tailored advice and guidance from your supervisors at key points in the project’s lifecycle. That tuition will cover the following topics and techniques:
- Approaches to identifying and describing a problem in or improvement to the workplace that, if remedied to a professional standard, will deliver meaningful outcomes for the company
- Techniques for planning an approach to solving the selected problem or delivering the anticipated improvement within the constraints imposed by the time and resources available for the project
- Methods for assessing any risks that may hinder or otherwise diminish the effectiveness of the work done to achieve/deliver the specified outcome of the project
- Methods for risk assessment and risk control in the context of occupational health and safety
- Techniques for conducting a review of relevant literature in order to identify and apply theories, methods or concepts that may guide the planning and execution of the project
- Requirements for engineering activities to promote sustainable development, knowledge of relevant legal issues, codes of practice and industry standards
- Approaches to managing and executing the project in accordance with the plan specified previously, monitoring progress and responding appropriately to any change in resource or circumstance that might affect its outcome or the effectiveness of the eventual solution
- Methods of reflecting on and evaluating the outcome of the project with respect to its aims in order to estimate the impact of the improvement brought to the workplace by the proposed solution or improvement
- Estimating the contribution of the project to a more sustainable products, processes and practice.
- Techniques for disseminating the outcome of the project to both technical and non-technical audiences, including the awareness of intellectual property issues
Separate submissions consisting of:
- 30% - Interim report
- 70% - Final report
Starting in the summer of year two and through the Autumn you will have the opportunity to work in manufacturing teams and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products.
You'll work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problems and provide guidance. As part of the rotation you'll have the opportunity to work with international colleagues and learn how to manage projects across time zones and cultures.
You'll gain first-hand experience of modern manufacturing processes and the challenges associated with transitioning from design to production.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this rotation, you should be able to:
- Describe of the full product lifecycle and evaluate how early-stage design decisions impact the manufacturing process
- Communicate effectively across multicultural teams
- Recommend design or process changes in order to achieve weight saving, accelerated time to market, quality improvements, cost reduction and/or reduced environmental impact
- Critically review and evaluate the existing manufacturing techniques associated with Dyson parts and products
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
After the manufacturing rotation, you will join your permanent home team. The home team is selected by you (subject to business needs and capacity constraints) and is aligned to your stream of study.
You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products. Your project work will cover three days a week, and you’ll be supported by your line manager and technical mentor to work to solve problems in small teams.
During this placement, you’ll be working at the level of a university graduate with increased responsibility. You'll work on current engineering challenges across multidisciplinary project teams, owning the performance of parts or systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of your final two years, you should be able to:
- Understand and generate requirements and specification taking account of any safety or compliance requirements
- Design and develop systems to meet a specification
- Design and develop test methods to evaluate the performance of a system or process, against a defined specification or requirement
- Assess how different systems within an engineering product or process interact and affect performance
- Manage the delivery of a project/system including the management of tasks and resources
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
The module aims to provide you with the ability to analyse and design analogue electronic circuits. You will be able to use electronic design automation tools, for different simulation analyses. It will encompass typical functions of analogue circuits: voltage and current references, operational amplifiers (internal topology and their utilisation in different closed-loop circuits), filters, signal conditioning, comparators, oscillators and signal generators.
You will be encouraged to explore and compare the performance of different circuits with the same functionality.
- Analogue circuit modelling and simulation
- Behaviour of discrete components
- Class AB and B power amplifiers
- Voltage and current references
- Operational amplifiers (including internal topology)
- Analogue multipliers and their applications
- Operational transconductance amplifiers and applications
- Design of analogue filters
- Signal selection, processing and conversion (including multiplexing, ADCs and DACs)
- Comparators, hysteresis
- Oscillators and voltage-controlled oscillators
- Waveform generators
- Sensitivity and Tolerance
- Worst case design analysis
- 100% - Coursework
The module will present the fundamentals of embedded systems including the microcontrollers’ architecture, programming languages, combinational logic, and practical examples to show the trade-offs between power, performance, and cost. A state-of-the-art microcontroller development suite will be used to analyse various aspects of embedded systems’ hardware as well as the conversion between analogue and digital signals given the application of sensors/actuators in an industrial context.
- The history and architecture of embedded systems
- Programming languages and development tools (C/C++)
- Compilation, assembly and linking in the translation process
- General purpose input/output and writing set of operations for them
- Asynchronous and synchronous serial communication
- Data formatting, timing diagrams, and signalling levels
- Perform voltage to binary and binary to voltage numerical conversions
- Embedded designing and programming for monitoring physical properties
- Embedded designing and programming for effecting physical control
- Interrupts, waveform generation and time measurement
- Applications of pulse width modulation
- I/O buses and master/slave devices
- Wireless ports (Wireless updates, bootloaders, functionality of products)
- Event-driven and real-time solutions
- Low Power Modes, Power Budgeting
- Safety requirements
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to show how power electronics, modern electric motors and control theory underpin modern electric drives. Characteristics of standard and bespoke AC motors will be analysed in context of different control approaches, focusing on vector control and direct-torque control. Applications will include appliances, robotics and electric vehicles.
- Motors revision
- Applications (e.g. automotive, home appliances, robotics)
- Modelling and analysis of DC, induction, PM and reluctance motors
- Modelling AC motors in orthogonal d-q reference frames
- Heating and Thermal effects in electric drives, Losses and where losses occur
- Performance tests
- Steady-state characteristics of motors under controlled DC or AC supply
- Principles of single-loop and cascaded control systems for drives
- Scalar control, vector control, direct torque control
- Performance issues regarding sensors' accuracy and/or parameter sensitivity (Position sensing)
- Types of generic and bespoke power electronic converters
- Current-regulated pulse-width modulation for low-power drives
- Limitations of power electronics in high-power drives
- Typical frequency converter – modes of operation, interfaces, parameter adjustment
- Electric drives design/specification
- 100% - Coursework
This module introduces the concept, implementation and applications of digitally enabled objects that can transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The potential of Internet of things (IoT) in an industrial context for automating specific tasks such as industrial machine control, self-diagnostics in machines and predictive maintenance will be introduced. Different IoT systems architecture and programming techniques will be taught to acquire and process data using hardware kits such as Raspberry Pi, microcontrollers, energy monitors and PLCs.
- Basic function and architecture of a sensor
- Knowledge of different hardware devices
- Basic programming technique
- Industry related protocols
- Network systems (Protocols)
- Gathering and sharing data between different devices
- Connecting Sensors to the Cloud
- Collection and storage of IoT sensor data
- Data Aggregation
- Processing IoT Data
- Privacy and security
- Analysis and visualisation of data
- How things work together: Cloud and IoT
- Embedded operating systems
- Linux (and Windows) based IoT
- Cloud-based data collection
- On-Going IoT Operations
- Controlling/Operating devices/systems
- Hardware devices (regulations, power management)
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to understand and appreciate appropriate manufacturing technologies and the role of material selection and metrology in a production environment.
Comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing techniques is vital for many engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electronics, industrial and manufacturing. The module will cover a range of conventional and non-conventional manufacturing.
The module will provide an insight into the technical aspects of manufacturing and highlight processing considerations and common defects for both new emerging manufacturing processes as well as traditional processes.
In this module, you will develop an understanding of how to use computers and manufacturing technology to produce a heterogeneous mix of products in small or large volumes with both the efficiency of mass production and the flexibility of custom manufacturing in order to respond quickly to customer demands.
- Introduction to manufacturing and industrial revolutions
- Material structure and properties
- Overview of manufacturing technologies (casting, powder metallurgy, forming, extrusion, injection moulding, forging, machining, surface treatments, joining)
- Heat treatments and annealing
- Introduction to lean engineering
- Material and process selection
- Electronics packaging and assembly techniques (including surface mount, through hole and soldering processes)
- Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly
- The latest trends in manufacturing technology (including additive layer manufacturing)
- The future of manufacturing – 4th industrial revolution
- Cyber manufacturing systems
- The smart factory
- Composite component construction
- Terminology and standards
- Principles and methods of measurement
- 100% - Coursework
The module provides a deeper understanding of the principles of operation of mobile robots and future robotic applications outside the factory. It focuses on the methodology used for modelling, planning, control and localisation of mobile robots in both structured and unstructured environments.
The focus is on wheeled robots, which are the most common, however the techniques introduced are general enough to be applied to any mobile robot. A part of the course is devoted to recent techniques in robotic perception and on-board intelligence that are deemed to play a relevant role in the coming years.
- Applications, problems, architectures
- Configuration space
- Mechanics, Kinematics
- Path/trajectory planning-tracking
- Regulation
- Retraction and cell decomposition
- Probabilistic planning
- Artificial potential fields
- Sensors for mobile robots
- Odometric localisation
- Bayes theorem
- Kalman Filters
- Landmark-based and SLAM
- Practical Robotics, consistency and correlation
- 100% - Coursework
This module aims to introduce techniques and tools for modelling, predicting, and analysing the behaviour of dynamic systems; and to introduce concepts, principles and techniques employed in classical methods of control systems design and signal processing.
Signal Processing can analyse, modify, and enhance various signals, audio, video, and communication signals. It supports and enhances interfaces between humans, between machines and between humans and machines. This module provides a detailed knowledge base for the theoretical and practical techniques used in discrete-time systems. It aims to develop your skills in designing digital filters and using Fourier transform techniques.
Several digital image processing techniques will be introduced and then used in simulations and practical laboratory sessions.
- Linear time Invariant Systems
- Systems Modelling Principles
- Fourier transform
- Z-Transform
- Sampling and reconstruction
- Digital Filters
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Applications and Design
- 40% - Examination
- 45% - Coursework 1 (Individual report)
- 15% - Coursework 2 (Presentation/viva)
The module aims to present the major components of a practical software lifecycle through team-based software engineering. This includes analysis, design, development, testing, maintenance, and aspects of documentation.
You will be introduced to, and asked to carry out, prototyping, software design and implementation, and testing. You'll also learn how to manage a project, inclusive of the software elements, which includes user requirement elicitation, user presentation, and feedback capture.
The module will also cover the important factors relating to software quality including functionality, reliability, usability, portability, and maintainability.
- Conventional software process and software life-cycle models
- Software project management, team organisation, and roles
- Risk assessment, management, and mitigation
- Requirements elicitation, stakeholder management, user feedback, and evaluation
- System prototyping, design, and implementation
- Software quality assurance, verification, and testing
- 100% - Coursework
This module reviews concepts of statics and strength of materials used to determine the stress, strain and deflection of structures, and introduces fundamental approaches to failure prevention for static and repeated loading.
The module continues by introducing mathematical and numerical methods to simulate structural problems by modern engineering tools and packages. It will further enhance both theoretical and practical appreciation of CAD and matrix analysis of structures, whilst introducing the supporting role of Finite Element Method (FEM).
Stress Analysis
- Introduction to mechanical properties of engineering materials and their stress-strain behaviour
- Load/force analysis; refresher on the first year module
- Analysis and Design of Shafts for Torsion
- Analysis and Design of Beams for Bending
- Multiple loadings and Complex Stresses
- Principal Stresses / Stress Transformation
- Design based on failure criteria
- monotonic failure; failure mechanisms associated with rotating machines
- Fatigue failure analysis
- Review of Linear Algebra, Matrix calculations
- Fundamental Relationships of Structural Analysis
- The Finite Element Method
- Basic Concepts and definitions
- Fundamental equations of FEM
- Shape functions and the interpolation concept
- 1D FE Analysis
- 2D FE Analysis
- FE formulations of Beam element
- Plane frames
- Implementation of FE formulations in programming languages (e.g. MATLAB)
- 100% - Coursework
The purpose of this module is to demonstrate dynamical performance of rotors and also to solve problems such as synchronous and non-synchronous whirl, sensitivity to unbalance, threshold of instability, torsional behaviour of branched systems, the analysis of steady and cyclic stress distributions caused by unbalance and other vibration phenomena.
- Fundamentals of machine vibration and classical solutions
- Torsional vibration
- Introduction to rotordynamics analysis
- Computer Simulations of rotordynamics
- Bearings and their effect on rotordynamics
- Fluid seals and their effect on rotordynamics
- 100% - Coursework
The aim of project work is to undertake a piece of independent study that will draw on the knowledge and skills acquired during the programme. The project will deepen comprehension of principles and methods by applying them to a problem in the workplace. You'll develop enhanced knowledge and understanding of the engineering-related aspects of their project. Typically, you'll develop skills in qualitative and quantitative analysis, risk assessment, problem solving using appropriate methodologies, research and information gathering as well as planning and designing an experiment. Generic skills developed during projects will include using appropriate engineering analysis software and IT tools, adhering to research ethics processes and health & safety requirement, oral/written communication, project and time management, computing and IT, self-discipline and self-motivation.
Project brief
Your project shall focus on a problem relevant to Dyson that may relate to the Dyson's products, its engineering processes or the management of the business from a technical perspective.
As the project can cover any one of a broad range of topics, you'll be responsible for the initiation, planning and management of the task. This means that the knowledge and skills you acquire during this module will differ quite significantly from those acquired elsewhere on the course.
Unlike other classroom-based modules, tuition during the Work-Based Project is facilitated partly via group seminars, online exercises and report style guides but primarily via tailored advice and guidance from your supervisors at key points in the project’s lifecycle. That tuition will cover the following topics and techniques:
- Approaches to identifying and describing a problem in or improvement to the workplace that, if remedied to a professional standard, will deliver meaningful outcomes for the company
- Techniques for planning an approach to solving the selected problem or delivering the anticipated improvement within the constraints imposed by the time and resources available for the project
- Methods for assessing any risks that may hinder or otherwise diminish the effectiveness of the work done to achieve/deliver the specified outcome of the project
- Methods for risk assessment and risk control in the context of occupational health and safety
- Techniques for conducting a review of relevant literature in order to identify and apply theories, methods or concepts that may guide the planning and execution of the project
- Requirements for engineering activities to promote sustainable development, knowledge of relevant legal issues, codes of practice and industry standards
- Approaches to managing and executing the project in accordance with the plan specified previously, monitoring progress and responding appropriately to any change in resource or circumstance that might affect its outcome or the effectiveness of the eventual solution
- Methods of reflecting on and evaluating the outcome of the project with respect to its aims in order to estimate the impact of the improvement brought to the workplace by the proposed solution or improvement
- Estimating the contribution of the project to a more sustainable products, processes and practice.
- Techniques for disseminating the outcome of the project to both technical and non-technical audiences, including the awareness of intellectual property issues
Separate submissions consisting of:
- 30% - Interim Report
- 70% - Final report
Starting in the summer of year two and through the Autumn you will have the opportunity to work in manufacturing teams and develop a portfolio of knowledge skills and deliverables. You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products.
You'll work in small teams with support from a line manager and technical mentor to help define the problems and provide guidance. As part of the rotation you'll have the opportunity to work with international colleagues and learn how to manage projects across time zones and cultures.
You'll gain first-hand experience of modern manufacturing processes and the challenges associated with transitioning from design to production.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this rotation, you should be able to:
- Describe of the full product lifecycle and evaluate how early-stage design decisions impact the manufacturing process
- Communicate effectively across multicultural teams
- Recommend design or process changes in order to achieve weight saving, accelerated time to market, quality improvements, cost reduction and/or reduced environmental impact
- Critically review and evaluate the existing manufacturing techniques associated with Dyson parts and products
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced
After the manufacturing rotation, you will join your permanent home team. The home team is selected by you (subject to business needs and capacity constraints) and is aligned to your stream of study.
You will work on real engineering projects related to the manufacture of consumer electronic products. Your project work will cover three days a week, and you’ll be supported by your line manager and technical mentor to work to solve problems in small teams.
During this placement, you’ll be working at the level of a university graduate with increased responsibility. You'll work on current engineering challenges across multidisciplinary project teams, owning the performance of parts or systems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of your final two years, you should be able to:
- Understand and generate requirements and specification taking account of any safety or compliance requirements
- Design and develop systems to meet a specification
- Design and develop test methods to evaluate the performance of a system or process, against a defined specification or requirement
- Assess how different systems within an engineering product or process interact and affect performance
- Manage the delivery of a project/system including the management of tasks and resources
- 10% - Mid-rotation check in and discussion between student, line manager and academic
- 90% - End of rotation presentation and Q&A including portfolio of work to be referenced